AI Insights: The Power of an Entrepreneurial Mindset | Bill Roche at TEDx LangleyED


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Making 'The Pitch': A 25-Year Experiment

This segment discusses how 25 years ago, the speaker faced a challenge of convincing a group of 15 year olds to work on a business venture with them. Despite a critical student's lack of enthusiasm, the speaker used enthusiasm and a strategic approach to convince them to join in. By offering the students autonomy and the potential to earn profits, they were able to get the student on board and a week later he was leading the class in creative brainstorming.

• Unanimous decision was needed for this experiment

• A boy in the room was initially uninterested

• Business was presented to them as a real opportunity

• Interest and engagement was sparked by the opportunity to set their own goals and keep profits

• This boy became the leader of the group, generating ideas for marketing

Entrepreneurial Mindset: A Study of Surprising Engagement in the Face of a Changing World

This segment discusses the importance of teaching children an entrepreneurial mindset that encompasses creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and communications in order to be successful in the rapidly changing world. It illustrates this with an example of a student who typically did not participate in school but showed remarkable engagement in a project related to entrepreneurial skills. It is noted that not everyone needs to be an entrepreneur, but everyone needs an entrepreneurial mindset to be successful.

• A student with typically subpar school performance showed high levels of engagement with a project using entrepreneurial skills.

• Entrepreneurial skills are creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and communications.

• Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is necessary to achieve success in a changing world.

• Being an entrepreneur is not necessarily the goal, but having the entrepreneurial mindset is.

Roadkill Kitties: Nurturing Entrepreneurs One Elementary Kid at a Time

This segment examines how an entrepreneurial mindset can be nurtured in elementary school students between the ages nine and twelve. This can be achieved through the use of an entrepreneurial project which requires students to develop business plans, products and marketing materials. The program culminates in a real-life event called the Young Entrepreneur Show. This shows gives students the chance to interact with customers and earn real money. Furthermore, the classroom teacher facilitates the process allowing topics such as math, English and social studies to become more meaningful and relevant for the student. The example of Mimi, who created a product called Roadkill Kitties, is used to show how students can delve deeper and create products with the aim to make a difference in the world. The program has already been implemented in over 40,000 students and has been found to be both exciting and taken seriously by them.

• An entrepreneurial mindset can be nurtured and we should start young.

• A program was created for students aged 9-12 to start their business and develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

• The program is facilitated by the classroom teacher, making learning topics more meaningful and relevant.

• Mimi is one example of a student who came up with a product to sell, creating a toy called 'Roadkill Kitties'.

• The program has thus far reached 40,000 students.

Tyler's Tie-Dye Tail Tale: Making Decisions in Business

This segment discusses the story of Mimi, a student with a successful business, and Tyler, a student who developed a unique product using market research, prototyping and production lessons. Mimi was not a strong academic student, yet her entrepreneurial flair allowed her to make her business succeed. Tyler made a sock puppet but was unsure how to decide on design elements when his survey data did not provide a clear consensus. The teacher provides advice, illustrating that Tyler needs to make the decision himself.

• Mimi was a student with poor academic performance but a successful business product in her class

• Product development is very powerful for students, allowing for market research, prototyping, and production

• Tyler had difficulty with a design choice for his sock puppet and was unsure what direction to take

• Tyler reached out to his teacher for advice, and the teacher gave him permission to make the choice himself

Tyler's Creative Solution: Success at the Entrepreneurs Show

This segment focuses on an event showcasing entrepreneurs' projects, namely innovative methods to increase profits. In particular, Tyler is highlighted for his creative snap solution for customisable puppets which he demonstrates with extra designs and accessories. Additionally, the event allows students to practice their communicative and critical thinking skills, and also solve problems quickly. There is also mention of a student who makes a product out of twigs and string. This section illustrates the value of problem solving and creativity in improving business operations.

• The student has great creative and critical thinking abilities

• They created a puppet with removable pieces and extra designs

• They made extra puppet parts to customize the puppets and increase profits

• The entrepreneurs show is an event where students interact with customers

• Customers purchase products and the students use communication skills to pitch

• This event gives the students the opportunity to think on their feet and solve problems

• An example of a product was a Christmas ornament made of twigs and string

The Pride of Learning: Encouraging Entrepreneurship in Students

This segment examines the process of learning through a story of an entrepreneur and an experiment of students in charge. It highlights how critical it is for students to be allowed the freedom to explore, experiment and make mistakes by emphasising that there is no one path or right answer. By allowing them to take responsibility over their projects and reflect on experiences, they are actively developing core competencies on empowering skills and developing pride in themselves.

• The problem that Luke was having with his decorations was that they were part of the tree and customers weren't aware they were for sale.

• Luke solved this problem by taking one decoration down and showing customers the different designs.

• By letting the kids have the freedom to make their own decisions and mistakes, they are able to actively develop core competencies that can be applied to their projects.

• Mistakes are reframed as learning opportunities and reflection is encouraged to ensure the students internalize their learning.

Discovering Creativity and Potential: Leveraging an Entrepreneurial Experience

This segment looks at the value of learning through the journey of an entrepreneurial experience and its broader benefits of a cultural shift. Through self-reflection, students often find they are more creative and willing to take risks to succeed. An example of this is a 10 year old student who gave a humorous tip of not being stinky when presenting a business. The teacher noted a shift in her students mindset over 10 years, with every student feeling they had the potential to start a business. The experience helps students discover entrepreneurship as a possible career option and realising the potential for them as young people.

• Self-reflection can help individuals to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of themselves.

• Taking risks can lead to success.

• Through an entrepreneurial experience, young people can realise that entrepreneurship is a potential career option and they have more potential than they originally thought.

• During this process, the culture can shift, allowing more and more young people to believe that they are capable of achieving their goals.

Unleashing Potential: Helping Kids Discover Their Talents and Achieve Success

This segment examines the benefits of teaching an entrepreneurial mindset in order to unlock potential and help students discover their passions and talents. One example of its success is the story of Keegan, a student selling soap products who discovered that he was more creative than he realised before. Furthermore, it allows kids to spark leadership, encourages charity work and even to overcome social and behavioural issues. The narrative culminates in the story of a student with severe behavioural problems who ultimately flourished in the program, returning a year later with a special gift for their teacher. The author suggests that this entrepreneurial mindset allows students to make a mark on the world and encourages others to help kids discover their own potential.

• The second benefit of unleashing potential through entrepreneurship is discovering new potential and talents

• It can help kids with learning disabilities think outside the box

• Students learn to spark leadership and interact with customers

• Entrepreneurial mindset helps them understand they can make the world a better place

• It can provide career development, self-reliance, passion, and interests

• 10% of projects are donated to charity

• Successful entrepreneurs can help those with anxiety or behavioral problems


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AI Insights: How to Start Your Own Business Without Investors | Nicholas Hänny at TEDx Hochschule Luzern