Next-Gen Composite Materials - Russ Vorobev (E41) (Frontier #4)

Leading the charge of next-gen composite materials manufacturing is Russ Vorobev, founder of Composite Vision. Russ has a PhD in Mechanics & Mathematics with a lifelong passion for DeepTech and composite materials engineering, and excels at making complex subjects easy to understand. His company turbo-charges non-destructive testing (NDT) of composites in aerospace by leveraging AI algorithms.

He discusses his DeepTech startup, the applications and end-markets for his technology, the playbook for securing big industrial companies as customers, next-gen composite materials innovation, the future global energy mix, his background in nuclear energy, electric vehicles (EVs), whether AI is on a hype cycle or not, how AI is used for composites, and how to excel at communicating complicated concepts to investors - a must-have tool in the arsenal of any DeepTech founder!

Learn more about Russ' company here:

Connect with Russ here:
Connect with James here:
Connect with Suraj here:

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Founder Mentor, Building an Investor & Founder Network, & Training Your Mind - Jeremy Barr (E42)


Military Drone Startup, Founder Story - Dr Max Werner (E40) (Frontier #3)